Things to see at the Ultimate National Reptile Show…Crested Geckos, Leopard Geckos, Savannah Monitors, Snakes, Chameleons, Bearded Dragons and many, many more animals will be
Event Details
Things to see at the Ultimate National Reptile Show…Crested Geckos, Leopard Geckos, Savannah Monitors, Snakes, Chameleons, Bearded Dragons and many, many more animals will be on exhibition. Feeders and supplies will also be available.
Show Hours:
Saturday 10am-5pm
Sunday 11am-4pm
Admission id:
Adults $6.
Children 12 and younger are free.
Post Courtesy of MB Event Guide.
August 14, 2021 10:00 am - August 15, 2021 4:00 pm(GMT-11:00)